
Bodger: (noun) person who dwells in woods;

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Pins and needles

Late post about last week's efforts.

I went out Wednesday for a run along river to Sonning and back via roads.  7.89 km, 52.54 mins. My right foot kept getting pins and needles, hence the relatively slow pace. I carried my pack, but there was not much in it. Useful training nonetheless.

On Thursday I went for an almost figure 8 route around the river, but back via the river. Crap time due to pins and needles in right foot again, a recurrence of Wednesday's problem. Odd, I need to fix that. route is just over 5km, no idea of the time.

Saturday I went to Bracknell to look at some of their green spaces in preparation for an interview this coming Friday.  Quite nice places and the day was a nice one for a wander around.

On Sunday the wife and I went for a walk to Henley and back. We went cross country along various footpaths. A lot of pavement and road walking at the beginning, but once you leave Caversham there is some really pretty countryside.  We came back via the Thames Path. Total distance 25 km, so a pretty reasonable day out.  I can;t remember the times exactly, but we left at 0850 and got back by about 1415, so 5.5 hours?

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